Start Beachy Head (592 960).
Can be tricky especially if misty.
Keep away from cliff edge.
Follow road for short distance to a large bus lay-by at which take the short narrow tarmac path onto the worn grass path passing initially to the left of gorse bushes.
The path dips toward a bend in the road but then climbs straight on now to the right of gorse for a while, and then straight on again to the left of bushes and a view of Belle Tout ahead.
Stay on the grass to the right of the drive to Belle Tout and climb to its boundary wall. Pass round the wall to its right and at its end bear left and pick up a broad grass path with patches of exposed flint and chalk.
The path descends with a sea view and bends right at a clear SDW sign to descend (final part on steps) to Birling Gap. Cross the car park and climb on the lane (bungalows to your right) to turn right through a gate.
After a few meters take a left through a small gate, signed SDW footpath (this is missable).
You now continue straight ahead over the seven sisters through and over several gates / styles.
At the end of the Seven Sisters (with a view of Cuckmere Haven beach) bear right (clear SDW sign) to descend to the right of a fence passing through a gate at the bottom at which turn right to join main track.
Pass through another gate (water both sides) and head for the gate at the corner of a grass field. Head diagonally up this field (no clear path but take direction from SDW sign) and from a ridge head for a finger post and then a (new) gate.
Pass through the gate and take the left hand path (there may not be a sign here) to soon descend to Exceat (red tiled roofed barns in view).
2 baton handover. Do not cross road.
The SDW on this leg is well signed with yellow (footpath) arrows bearing the acorn symbol.
Access from A259 SDW bus stop: take SDW SW for 500m till fork where you take the right fork to pass to the right of trig point; R/L at path crosroads then 500m to forkedroad jct, cross road and continue on path between the two roads. After about 800m path bears right to join road 600 m or so from start point car park/Visitor Centre.
Public transport
Beachy Head: train or bus 12 (1m?)
Exceat: Bus 12 etc
- The route leaves the tarmac path 75 metres after the start, bearing left up the grass track. There are several cliff top paths between Beachy Head (591959) and the hill up to Belle Toute Lighthouse (563955); all are permitted, with safety and distance from cliff edge the main consideration. If in doubt, stay right!
- The South Downs Way passes to the north of the lighthouse, following the perimeter wall. Team vehicles should wait at Birling Gap car park (554960) to ensure their runner passes safely through.
- Runners are not permitted to use the concrete road through Cuckmere Haven (518984). The South Downs Way goes over the hill, following the clear signpost, and descends into Exceat. Any deviation from this permitted route is clearly visible from the changeover and will attract a time penalty which substantially exceeds the advantage gained.