Start A286 Nr. Hill Barn Lane and Middlefield Lane crossing of Cocking Hill (car park) (875 167).
Continue on clear track which climbs over Cocking Down and then along ridge over a few small climbs.
The path bears left and descends at Monkton House (3m) (Peacocks !) to pass some tumulus mounds on your right.
There is now a right turn which will be easy to miss.
Continue down steep descent and up to crossing track (4m).
Turn left then immediate right through gap in hedge.
Continue around field and take the track on the edge of woods to your right rather then climb small hill.
You should see the steep face of Beacon Hill (5.5m) ahead. There are alternatives here. You can go South on the SDW avoiding the hill but this is much longer. Alternatively climb straight over the top on the chalk path or keep to the right and climb around the hill.
The descent is very steep on the other side and continues straight on over a small climb to Harting Down and the short gradual descent to the Car Park changeover.
A286/ Cocking Hillbarn Stagecoach 60 bus every 30 mins.from Chichester to Hilltop/Hillbarn
- Hill Barn is a two baton changeover.
- Team vehicles should not be parked in the small public car park on the western side of the A286. Parking is available in the field on the eastern side, adjacent to the changeover. Vehicles should access the field by following the lane up to the gate at the top, and exit through the gate by the main road.
- The changeover is in the field, where all vehicles and non-runners are to remain. The outgoing runner should cross to the west side of the A286 and will be signalled to leave when the incoming runner reaches the designated point in the field. No other runner should cross the A286, and non-runners should not congregate in the gateways at either end of the field in a way which obstructs the gate and prevents runners or vehicles from entering or leaving.
- The route over Beacon Hill (West Sussex), avoiding the loop to the south, is allowed (809184).