Start on road by Ditchling Beacon car park (333 132).
Follow path round north edge of car park to continue along obvious path.
Easy route towards Jack and Jill windmills going through various gates.
Just before you reach the windmills do NOT take shortcut footpath left (Disqualification) but use left āvā turn (2m) a few hundred yards before Windmills to go through farm / stables and then turn right through gate to descend beside golf course.
Cross main road (3m) and turn left on path to turn right at next road and up through Pyecombe village.
Continue straight on and downhill to cross bridge over A23 (3.5m).
Turn left and after 200yds turn right to begin steep climb through a couple of gates on chalky path.
At top (4m) bear slightly right to top of climb and NOT through gates.
Descend hill keeping left and through gate in left hand corner to follow path to another gate near some houses.
Keep on path to right of farm at Saddlescombe.
Changeover before road.
Ditchling Beacon: bus 79 from Brighton or 131 from Hassocks/Lewes
- Ditchling Beacon is a two baton changeover.
- There is a charge to use the National Trust car park at Ditchling Beacon. Teams should not avoid paying the small fee by parking on the road.
- Follow the path towards Jack and Jill windmills through New Barn Farm. Do not take the earlier left-hand footpath avoiding the farm (312129).